If you are receiving this invitation.... THANK YOU for 3 reasons!
1. Thank you for welcoming me to Austin. I have now been here a little over a year and it's safe to say I love it because of the people I have met (that means YOU).
- 11:30 - I'd like to treat you to a Free Veracruz Taco Lunch!
2. Thank you for teaching me, encouraging me, and supporting my professional endeavors here. Some of you are mentors, others are coaches and teachers, some are people I have collaborated with but all are people I have laughed with and had long soul-searching conversations with. Whoever you are, you have added to my strength and capacity to grow and chase after what I love.
- 12:00 - Wellness workshop - "30 Min. Reboot" by Full Life Chiropractic
The “30 Minute Reboot” is designed to help with some common problems in the workplace – pain, stress, lack of energy etc. - Lunch will be sponsored by Dr. Andrew Newell with Full Life Chiropractic who is eager to give back to those of you who are looking to support the local community.
3. Thank you for being interested in making an impact in your community!By attending this meeting you are allowing me to ring out your brain sponges of localized knowledge, institutional know-how, and helping me to brainstorm the possibilities around future fundraising efforts for my non-profit partners (Non-profits are still TBD and could be your organization!)
- 12:30 - 1:30 - Community Meeting with Audrey
The whole part about being a community organizer is to be “a person whose job is to coordinate cooperative efforts and campaigning carried out by local residents to promote the interests of their community”
I hope to see you all there!
Please contact me if you have people in your network that would be interested in adding their voice to this meeting. I would like to expand my network of community members who value social responsibility, supporting the smaller to medium-sized local non-profit organizations, and are, or know, community stakeholders who want to give back.
Contact me at AudreyEBrazeel@Gmail.com with any questions. Thank you!